Homelessness is the ocean that all rivers and streams of injustice flow into when they are left unchecked and undeterred. 

In the United States, we are seeing more and more people crushed by the waves while the rest of us sit on the beach with a drink in our hands wondering if there’s anything we can do, or should do, to help. 

My name is Josiah Haken and I’ve had the privilege of working in the New York City metro area with neighbors experiencing homelessness for over a decade. 

I’m convinced that while we can’t stop everything to help everyone, we can all do something to help someone.


What we are trying to do.


Josiah Haken is the Chief Executive Officer with City Relief, a non-profit organization that creates connections for the homeless community to hope and resources that can improve their lives.

Growing up in Yaoundé, Cameroon, as well as working as an advocate and an outreach leader in the streets of New York City since 2010, Josiah has a unique perspective on the complexities of urban poverty and homelessness and believes that our unhoused neighbors deserve our best, not just our leftovers.

Josiah often leads workshops and webinars to equip and empower people to see their homeless neighbors and engage them with intentionality and compassion.

He holds a Masters Degree in Ministry, Leadership, and Culture from Fresno Pacific University and currently resides with his family in Northern New Jersey.